PC, Apple und Heimcomputer

Der erste Personal Computer
Altrair 8800 Videos
Bill Gates talks about Microsoft and the Altair 8800 (1994)
A re-tracing of how Paul Allen loaded BASIC on the MITS Altair 8800 from paper tape
Micral N - Klein und Französisch
Wang 2200 Computer
Apple I erblickt die Welt
Original Rare Apple 1 Computer Demo at Vintage Computer Festival VCF East
List of all known Apple‑1 computer
Steve Wozniak Debunks One of Apple's Biggest Myths
Apple 1 Emulator in JavaScript
Der Apple II erscheint
Apple II - Apple's most important computer (new edit)
Apple II commercial (1986)
Apple II Emulator in JavaScript
Der erste IBM Personal Computer
The Original IBM PC 5150 - the story of the world's most influential computer
MIGs Yesterchips - Folge #087 IBM PC 5150
IBM PC Werbung 1985
IBM PC (Model 5150) Emulator
Das goldene Zeitalter der Heimcomputer
1983 Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer 2 with HJL-57 keyboard
MIGs Yesterchips - Folge #071 PET 2001 (Teil 1)
MIGs Yesterchips - Folge #072 PET 2001 (Teil 2)
C64 Doku deutsch Commodore in deutschen Zimmern
Commodore Promotionvideos: Werbung für C64 und VC20
Selling the Atari 400/800 Computers
ZX Spectrum Next - Review und Eindruck
Schneider - Amstrad CPC 6128 - Das Monty s Weihnachtsgeschenk - Kult Computer
Amstrad CPC 464 Computer System Review
The Atari ST Story | Nostalgia Nerd
ATARI ST - The Best Music Computer Ever?
Amiga History - Launch Of Amiga
Commodore Amiga Premiere, Frankfurt (1986) Mod Frank Elstner
ZDF Computer Corner: Commodore Amiga 1000 (1986) [1/2]
ZDF Computer Corner: Commodore Amiga 1000 (1986) [2/2]
Commodore Amiga 500 (Deutsch) - eine Review vom Retro Gambler
Apple Lisa und Macintosh
Apple's Biggest Flop! Documentary - Steve Jobs The Lisa Computer 1983
Apple LISA Computer - VIDEO DEMO - 7/Jan/1983 - Apple Computer Inc.
1983 Apple Macintosh Lisa Computer Commercial with Kevin Costner
Apple Macintosh
1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial (HD)
Macintosh 1984 Promotional Video - with Bill Gates!
Steve Jobs Introduces the Macintosh
Wie Compaq zum Marktführer wurde
THE COMPAQ STORY - Part 1 of 3 - 1982 to 1983 "The Beginning"
THE COMPAQ STORY - Part 2 of 3 - 1983 to 1984 "Early Success"
THE COMPAQ STORY - Part 3 of 3 - 1984 to 1988 "Record Growth!"
Wettrüsten der Mikroprozessoren
How a CPU is made
Herstellung von Prozessoren / CPUs / Chips / Transistoren (Animation)
What Happened to Cyrix Processors? | Nostalgia Nerd